- Addresses for two full years
- Gross monthly income
- W-2s, if available
- Proof of pensions, retirement, disability or Social Security Proof of income from rentals, investments, etc. Proof of
child support or alimony paid/received Year to date pay stub
If self-employed:
- Two years 1040 Tax Returns
- Current year profit and loss statement
- Each creditor's name, address and type of account Account numbers Monthly payments and approximate balances Amount of child care expenses
- Names and addresses of saving institutions Account numbers for all accounts Type of accounts and present balances
- List of assets in stocks, bonds, land
- Life insurance cash value (documented if for down payment) If applicant is selling a home, a copy of sales contracts
- Social Security numbers for all parties
- Veterans - Certificate of Eligibility and DD-214 Cash or check to pay for application fee
Your Realtor should provide
- Copy of sales contract
- Copy of MLS listing sheet on property
- Instructions on how appraiser is to gain entrance